The Co-dictionary that you´ve just opened is a commons of knowledge as it is made in solidarity of shared time, visions, knowledges, heritages, and writing. Its central purpose is to practice the communal action that feeds the realities that account for this constellation of knowledges and experiences. Because language is also a field on which to advance this battle for the commons, we offer you this irregular geographic space and we invite you to inhabit it. Once in it, maybe you’ll end up dreaming proactively or equipping yourself with the necessary tools to move forward in the hostile capitalist reality. Caring for this space, in the way that you can and want, you will also be intervening in an academic, sectoral, and territorial dispute to fence in knowledges and wisdoms in an industrial and commercial closed circuit accessible only as private property.
- Palmar Álvarez-Blanco (co-editor)
- Javier De Entrambasaguas-Monsell (co-editor)
- Hannah Sherman (co-editor)
- Emmanuel Gimeno Lodosa (design)
- All guest co-authors
That this can be a commons of knowledge does not only depend on the practice given it but also on the medium that sustains and contains it. You should know that this tool has been catalogued in the public library system and therefore, it is sustainably accessible from anywhere.
The entries that you will read belong to experimental processes undertaken by the practicing communities that are the protagonists of this constellation; additionally, we invite researchers and educators to share here fertile conceptual seeds so that they can germinate the shared dimension of being that has been denied by the rational, criminal logic of capitalism.
This co-dictionary is also a conceptual tool that allows for a greater connection and understanding of the audiovisual archive and of the interviews that comprise it. The variety of entries offers a wide range of theoretical frameworks, free and unconfined to the usual channels of academic thought. This archive of a common ownership will be always open to growth and expansion; its function is and will continue to be that of a bridge that connects the world of ideas and the world of communal social practices.
As with any jointly responsible use of a property, in this co-dictionary there exist rules of use and governing that we should respect. We can go along modifying them as we grow in our practice. In the meantime, the following are some rights, duties, and responsibilities of inhabitants who are prosumers and cultivators of this commons of knowledge:
Lucrative economic practice is not tolerated, for this reason the co-dictionary with remain limited to jointly held ownership and cooperative use, solidary and socially committed.
The commons as the initiation of a relational praxis facilitates creativity and the spread of ideas, references, works, and images to light the way. With our use, we should make shine the innovative, creative power of language and metaphors.
- Every entry should reflect values of social commitment against capitalism.
- Every entry should be created responsibly, meaning that it provides information that is documented and dated.
- We will respect copyright laws such that we will refrain from publishing here any knowledge that does not permit being shared.
- We share information that is disinterested from any economic and political power.
- Every entry is open access. Anyone who uses these entries should cite and credit the tool.
If you are interested in participating in this activity, you can send your entry to Palmar Alvarez-Blanco ( or to Javier De Entrambasaguas-Monsell (
You can send us the entry directly in a bilingual version or in one of the two languages, English and Spanish, and we will do the rest.
The entry can reflect your own personal readings and experiences or those shared by a group (for example, a collective, a community, a class). Uses and experiences from every sphere, sector, and field are welcome.
Every entry should be created responsibly, meaning that it provides information that is open access, documented, and dated, if applicable.
- Activist Pack
- Anarchist
- Anarchive
- Anthropocene
- Artivism
- Assemblyism
- Associative bookstore
- Basic academic competences
- Biopolitics and Biopower
- Capitalism
- Care-work
- Collective Intelligence
- Collective Intelligence
- Colonialism
- Commercial and non-commercial distributors
- Communism
- Community of practice
- Cooperative
- Critical consumption
- Critical Thinking
- Critique of techno-optimism
- Cultural Industry
- Culture of the Transition
- Cultures of anyone
- Cultures of Nature
- De-Growth
- Dependency Law. Law 39/2006
- Ecofeminism
- Everyday Life .The Right to the City
- Exploitation
- Exponential Economic Growth
- Fear
- Fourth Estate
- Functional Diversity
- Gag Law
- Gentrification
- Global and Local Chains of Care
- Guilt by association
- Humor
- Immigrant Internment Centers
- Independent Journalism
- Independent Theater
- Information Sovereignty
- Love
- Memory today
- Migratory Meat
- Mobbing or Real-Estate Assault
- Mode of production
- Municipalism
- Music against power
- Myth
- New Forms of Social Life
- Outsourcing borders
- Patronage Law
- Performance
- Polyethics
- Proactive Art
- Productive forces of production
- Prototyping
- Public Space
- Public sphera
- Real-Estate Bubble
- Relations of Production
- Revolutionary art
- Revolutionary literature
- Rhizome
- Right of use
- Right to occupy
- Sisterhood
- Social and Solidarity Economy
- Social and Solidarity Economy
- Social center
- Social collective
- Social environmentalism
- Socialism
- Superstructure
- Terrorism
- The “Artist Statute”
- The Historical Memory Law (Law 52/2007 of December 26th)
- The (Spanish) transition
- Third Culture
- Touristic Apartments
- Transversal abilities
- Trash
- Trust
- Video-activism
- Vulture Funds