Isabel Estrada (Ph.D., Columbia University) is Associate Professor at the City College of New York. She is the author of El documental cinematográfico y televisivo contemporáneo: memoria, representación y formación de la identidad democrática española ( 2013), which examines how a selected group of documentaries made since 1995 for both film and television inform the debate centered on the so-called “recuperation of memory” of the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship. She is currently working on a book manuscript entitled Expanding Spanish Cinema: New Forms of Social Life in the Twenty-First Century. This research project addresses the 2008 financial and political crisis in Spain in order to explain both how the situation has been portrayed by a new generation of filmmakers, and how their practices attempt to create new forms of social life.
Prof. Estrada has published articles in refereed journals such as Modern Language Notes, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Studies in Hispanic Cinemas, Hispanic Review, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, España Contemporánea, Catalan Review, and Revista Hispánica Moderna. She has also contributed to the volumes Approaches to Teaching the Works of Carmen Martín Gaite (2013), Perceptions of the Holocaust in Modern Spanish Culture (Leipzig Studies on Jewish History and Culture, 2009), and Historias de la pequeña pantalla: Representaciones históricas en la televisión de la España democrática (2008).