Miguel Ángel Nieto Solís (Casavieja, Ávila, 1960) started as a cartoonist and illustrator in school magazines until he bought his first SLR camera, a heavy Russian Zenith with his first paycheck. A year later, after photographing an eviction in his neighborhood with his first camera, he discovered he was born to be a journalist. He combined his premature war correspondent vocation (Nicaragua, Bolivia, Chile, Sahara, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Ukraine…) with investigative journalism in varying types of periodicals and books. His first work, The Accomplices of Mario Conde ended the career of the most powerful banker in Spain in the 1990’s. Round Business: Hidden Plot in Soccer, revealed the multimillion traps set around soccer matches. Besides working on a couple essays and various collective publications (among them The Arms Market in Spain or For Bosnia), he also published his last journalistic book in 1996 titled, News Hunters that described the story of how journalists uncovered huge scandals in democratic Spain. His professional career has always aligned with the production and development of social documentaries, of research and historical character for televisions everywhere. Currently, he is working on a documentary series that aims to demonstrate that the extermination of the Amerindian tribes of North America was not a skirmish war but rather a genocide planned and executed from Washington.
“El último sefardí” / The Last Sefardí in English: https://vimeo.com/166271708 “El último sefardí”/ The Last Sefardí in Spanish: https://vimeo.com/147637353 “Almas sin fronteras” / Souls without Borders in English: https://vimeo.com/313013985 “Almas sin fronteras” / Souls without Borders in Spanish: https://vimeo.com/312468883 “Tu boca en los cielos” / Your Mouth in the Sky (teaser): https://vimeo.com/236884895 “La sombra de Ararat”/ The Shadow of Aratat (teaser in Spanish): https://vimeo.com/235208084 “La sombra de Ararat” / The Shadow of Aratat (teaser in English): https://vimeo.com/148416541 “La transición silenciada”/ The Silenced Transition (teaser): https://vimeo.com/181625355 LINKS TO BOOKS: “Cazadores de noticias”/ News Hunters: https://www.casadellibro.com/libro-cazadores-de-noticias/9788499381398/2085429?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=19438 “Los cómplices de Mario Conde”/ The Accomplices of Mario Conde: https://www.amazon.es/Complices-verdad-banesto-presidente-Grandes/dp/8478802487 “Negocio redondo, la trama oculta del fútbol” / Round Business: Hidden Plot in Soccer: https://www.iberlibro.com/9788478806133/Negocio-redondo-trama-ocultadel-futbol-847880613X/plp “Por Bosnia” / For Bosnia: https://www.amazon.es/Por-bosnia-Victoria-Camps/dp/8487981070 “Manual de periodismo” / Journalism’s Manual: http://webs.ucm.es/info/especulo/numero1/manuperi.htm