Financed by the Daniel y Nina Carasso Foundation (FDNC) and developed Pedagogías Invisibles (or in english, Invisible Pedagogies), this project responds to the worries and wishes of both entities to generate connections between the art and education fields, opening new paths for artists and educators. Its objectives, which come from the intention of positioning what is educational at the same level of what is artistic, are to give visibility to a new professional figure (of the arteducator) and create an archive of the arteducators at the state level to enlarge the professional circuits of artists and educators and promote the proliferation of projects and initiatives in art+education. For this to happen, not only does there need to be training of young artists in the field of education, their imaginary needs to be transformed so they can recognize this job as a viable career option in which art is not polarized on one hand and education on the other, but instead both fields merge into a hybrid and transdisciplinary third place.