This video has timestamped descriptions to allow viewers to jump to particular topics and sections. Links will open the video in YouTube.
Who are you, and what’s your relationship with the project “Consume Hasta Morir”? (0:20)
What type of work do you do? (1:52)
How is “Consume Hasta Morir” organized as a project or a work group? (2:32)
What is your relationship with Ecologistas en Acción? (6:38)
Do you make the decisions together with Ecologistas en Acción or make them autonomously as a working group? (7:49)
How many people work in this project? What are their jobs? (9:08)
The 15M has signified a moment of reorganization, (re) invention, strengthening or contribution to the experience of many of the groups with whom I have spoken to. What has the 15M signified for “Consume Hasta Morir”? (10:56)
On, you wrote, “We don’t sell anything here because a critical perspective must be free.” How is this activity financially sustained? (16:28)
Have you received institutional support? (19:25)
Thinking about the concept of “work,” what does “work” mean in the context of Consume Hasta Morir? (22:17)
“Salmón Contracorriente” has come out of “Consume Hasta Morir.” What legal structure have you given to “Salmón Contracorriente”? (24:26)
Can you tell us about “Salmón Contracorriente”? (25:26)
Can you tell us how you define the social and solidarity-based economy? (27:13)
What should one do if they want to be part of that network? (29:08) has a text that states that you work to consolidate a culture of critical, just, and responsible consumption through “an exercise of irony that momentarily liberates us from the pressure that different media exercise continually on the citizens.” Seeing a bit of the work of the posters that you’ve done in the past, it seems like you aim to deliver ‘blows’ of fiction that short-circuit the collective imagination through the use of irony, parody, and collage. Today, do you believe in the effectiveness of these languages? (32:14)
Considering that you carry out your work in the context of a sensationalist society governed by entertainment and simulation, how can you combat one image with another? (41:31)
From your experience as a graphic designer can you tell us why advertising is so effective in this neoliberal time? (47:06)
What would you highlight as specific to this age of neoliberal advertising? (56:20)
Thinking about your work in communication and media literacy, would you say that “Consume Hasta Morir” is linked to the field of formal and non-formal education? What would you say are the challenges or unresolved issues in our formal educational model regarding the field of communication? (59:33)
What do collectives and social movements need to learn about the pragmatics of advertising? (1:05:53)
Do you do communication advising? (1:09:51)
How are the “Consume Hasta Morir” materials shared? (1:12:24)
How do you work the kind of problems that you develop in a country where there is a gag law and an intellectual property law? (1:15:04)
Have you had any legal problems? (1:17:28)
Is “Consume Hasta Morir” a political project? If so, what policy are we talking about? (1:22:06)
You’ve been dedicated to social change since the ’90s. With the climate of political disaffection and economic insecurity, how do you keep up hope as the engine of your work? How do you combat helplessness? (1:27:17)
Keeping in mind that “growth” is a concept co-opted by capitalism, what does it mean for “Consume Hasta Morir” to grow? (1:31:12)
Consume hasta morir (Consume until death) is an autonomous space for experimentation and a laboratory linked to the board of consumption and consumption sector of Ecologistas en Acción (Ecologists in Action). It’s not by nature an artistic group or completely independent collective group because it’s been a part of Ecologistas en Acción since the very beginning. In its 20 years of operation, Consume hasta morir has transformed from being an an activist group of anti-communist persuasion into being a channel for ideas and proposals promoting a social and solidarity-based economy. From its alliance with Ecologistas en Acción the not-for-profit association El salmón contracorriente (The Counter-Current Salmon) was born. This project was created to communicate and try to foment economic alternatives. The integration of El salmón contracorriente into the publication El Salto marks a new phase of this alliance of cooperative forces. Source