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Who are you, and how are you involved with La Tremenda (literally, ‘The Great One’)? 0:22
When, where, and why was La Tremenda started? 1:45
Why this name? 3:50
This is a non-profit feminist cooperative for cultural and social processes. Why have you chosen the cooperative as a legal structure? 5:01
In the description of your cooperative, you talk about working from a “feminist, antiracist, cooperative perspective in order to act as a multiplier of these values in the realities in which we intervene.” What activities are these perspectives concentrated on? 6:24
What realities do you want to intervene in? 7:49
Would you define your work as an act of facilitation and mediation in the sphere of communication? 9:41
In a published interview, the article contextualizes you within the network of the Catalonia social economy. Can you explain the relationship between the cooperative and this model of economic organization? 10:23
How many salaried people are there? How are salaries maintained? 12:13
What does “work” mean in a feminist cooperative? What philosophy of labor do you practice? 13:54
How is work split up? How are decisions made? 15:46
Does La Tremenda receive any institutional support? 17:07
15M indicated the beginning of an important cultural paradigm-shift. For many collectives, it represented the beginning of community organization and for others, a space for rethinking themselves. What has it meant for this cooperative? 18:57
You wrote on your webpage that “La Tremenda” is a cooperative that has as an objective cultural and social management and communication.” What kind of cultural and social management are we talking about? 20:14
Why work on a cultural management project when we already have institutional cultural management? 21:39
You said that La Tremenda “was born with the purpose of generating a meeting point between cooperativism and the world of culture.” What culture are we talking about? 22:43
You wrote, “We want for this to be a mechanism that lets us investigate new forms of relationships among the people who accept it and the projects in which it takes part. In the agency, we base our contribution on the idea of cultural ecosystems, in the certainty that cultural experiences can’t exist without the communities that sustain them.” Why is it important to talk about cultural ecosystems? 24:25
You explain, “We believe that in a horizontally, democratically based culture dedicated to egalitarian access, allowing for the development of a critical worldview and being able to generate emancipatory thought.” For many collectives and cooperatives, horizontality represents a challenge that in some cases has made them question its viability. What does it mean for you to aim for a horizontally based culture? 26:27
And when you talk about “emancipatory thought,” I wondered, in respect to what, and in what direction? 28:40
Is La Tremenda a political project? If so, what kind of politics are we talking about? 29:27
What would some of the hallmarks of La Tremenda be? 30:24
What does growth mean for La Tremenda in non-capitalistic terms? 32:09
How does La Tremenda maintain hope in times of political discontent and insecurity? 32:49

La Tremenda is a cooperative that has as its goal social and cultural management and communication. It started with the task of generating a point of encounter between cooperativism and the world of culture. We want the organization to be a tool that allows for the investigation of new forms of relation between its members and the projects they participate in. We believe in a foundational culture that is horizontal, democratic, and equal access, that allows a critical vision of the world to be developed, generating emancipatory though. We dedicate ourselves to finishing projects while incorporating a cooperative, antiracist, and feminist perspective, wanting to activate these values multiplicatively in the realities where we intervene. Source