Libros en Acción (Books in Action), the editorial project of Ecologistas en Acción (Environmentalists in Action), began 6 years ago. Since then, Libros en Acción has published close to 40 books: essays, novels, stories, and flash fiction. It was started in part to help finance Ecologistas en Acción.
The environmental crisis in which we find ourselves, the deterioration of resources that sustain life, is so large and unquestionable that we must find a thousand different ways to talk about it, so that the message reaches everyone. Of the many ways that exist to practice environmentalism and promote it, we decided, through this project, to use books. To attain this goal, we collect reflections, accumulated knowledge, and proposals coming from different people and initiatives, surging from their efforts to defend the planet.
We need words and stories in order to imagine and express the life that we want. For this reason, we dedicate a lot of time and energy into publishing stories that we think are important. In addition, reading and sharing a book is such an important activity, which gives us so much while not being very resource-intensive: it’s not necessary to use a car, it can be shared, you can discuss what you have discovered on a park bench… It’s beautiful to imagine the world that we want through a book.
In order to be able to sustain this project, we have the privilege of relying upon the help of many people who, through their participation in the publishing board, think of content, distributions, and audiences in order to expand our messages. We of course also work with authors, as well as those who draft, translate, and design books. Thanks to these people it’s been possible for this publishing project to become an important training and informational tool for the organization.
In the catalog you will find a wide variety of topics and formats that show, with different nuances and many perspectives, the importance of and need for the environmental fight and the alternatives we propose. Source