0:13 Introduction
1:34 How did the Plataforma por la Justicia Fiscal come about and who started it?
3:06 What legal structure is this initiative registered under?
3:48 Does the Plataforma have contracted personnel?
4:46 What criteria determine the acceptance of new organizations and processes within the Plataforma?
5:36 How is management and governance organized within the Plataforma?
6:36 Was there any relationship or connection between the events of 15M and the Plataforma?
7:36 What are the factors or circumstances that determine the situation of the Spanish case with respect to the Eurozone?
11:45 Can you explain where this proposal for this agreement came from?
16:00 According to the text of the proposal in this agreement, you advocate for “progressive,” “sufficient,” and “equitable” taxation to achieve social justice. Can you explain what each of these adjectives means in the context of a fair fiscal policy?
17:47 If the Plataforma is demanding a progressive, equitable, and sufficient fiscal policy, it’s because the current fiscal policy is neither progressive, nor equitable, nor sufficient. If that’s the case, what fiscal policy is currently being used in Spain?
21:46 What conditions and factors lead to the increase of social inequality, and what is the relationship between a fair fiscal policy and decreasing this inequality?
25:04 In your proposal you talk about the need for both companies and individuals to adopt “fiscally responsible criteria.” What does this concept refer to?
27:05 Is there a relationship between tax fraud and job insecurity or uncertainty around the conditions that guarantee a decent life? 29:09 What has happened from the 1960s onwards to intensify both the reduction of social rights and the increase in social inequality?
33:55 In the model of casino capitalism, is speculation exempt from taxation?
34:21 Can you explain what a “tax haven” is?
36:53 How is it that tax shelters are legal?
39:27 Is there a connection between the increase in tax shelters and political corruption?
39:55 The Tax Agency is sort of like the tax police of our country. Does it have the ability to track down and report tax shelters?
45:04 Thinking about what you were saying, is it only possible to inspect tax fraud by carrying out interventions at the European level?
45:36 Can you explain what a tax is?
47:45 It’s common to talk about tax fraud and fiscal fraud together. Are these terms talking about the same thing?
48:18 Who regulates the raising and lowering of taxes in Spain and what criteria are used to make these decisions?
49:00 What position does the Plataforma por la Justicia Fiscal take regarding the debates on raising or lowering taxes?
50:06 Why do large companies or certain taxpayers enjoy preferential treatment when it comes to paying taxes?
53:02 How is the investment of Spanish tax income in different sectors determined?
54:49 Tax policy and public spending policy always seem to be a partisan issue. Should it be a matter for the State?
57:33 Are job insecurity and the underground economy both causes of the increase in fiscal fraud?
58:33 When we talk about an “underground economy” what kind of situation are we talking about?
1:00:08 Do you think an update to the legal and judicial areas is needed to efficiently confront the challenges facing the tax system in the 21st century?
1:01:04 Is it possible that this interference of capitalism by the welfare state could lead to the elimination of the tax collection system?
1:02:37 Considering that the Plataforma por la Justicia Fiscal calls for an equitable fiscal policy, which economic model would be appropriate for the development of this type of policy?
1:05:14 What educational activities has the Plataforma por la Justicia Fiscal developed, in both formal and informal spheres, to influence the development of tax awareness among citizens?
1:08:51 Do you apply this same training work in the political sphere through concrete proposals and active advocacy work in public policy?
1:11:35 Juan, what is your take on the results of the “Research-Diagnosis on the State of Teaching Economics” report?
1:15:00 What else would you add to the list to fix fiscal fraud?
1:16:48 How should the inequality generated by different systems of oppression be reflected in tax policy?
1:18:51 At the Plataforma you explain that a social welfare state model cannot exist without the application of an equitable tax policy that answers to criteria of responsibility and social justice. What do you mean by “welfare state.”
1:21:18 What is your take on the 2030 Agenda?
1:23:09 Thinking about your lives and career paths, how do you continue to nurture confidence in systemic transformation in a time marked by energy collapse, by the crisis of the civilizational model, and a general situation of political indifference?
The Platform for Tax Justice brings together the main social organizations and trade unions in defense of progressive, sufficient and equitable taxation. They understand that there will be no social justice without fiscal justice. They also raise their voices against tax fraud and tax havens and underline that the reduction in taxes means a cut in the main rights of citizens to quality education, adequate health and the necessary care to have a dignified and independent life.